Shakespeare scholar, professor, and author of a memoir and two western novels


Six books on a variety of topics both scholarly and popular. The scholarly include Stages of Play: Shakespeare’s Theatrical Energies in Elizabethan Performance (Delaware, 1998); North American Players of Shakespeare (Delaware, 2007); and, with co-editor You Jin Ko, Shakespeare’s Sense of Character: On the Page and From the Stage (Ashgate, 2012). My other books include a memoir, Could You Be Startin’ from Somewhere Else? Sketches from Buffalo and Beyond (2014); Green River Saga (Sunstone Press, 2020), and my most recent western Raven Mountain: A Mythic Tale (Sunstone Press, 2023.

Additional information on these books can be found on my “Books” page.


Shakespearean scholar, teacher, playwrite, novelist and keen skier, cyclist and hiker but most of all a family man.